sábado, 17 de maio de 2008

glad my name is Guilerme study in the 3 rd series of JPC Hight School


9 comentários:

Débora Lisiane Carneiro disse...

Hi, Guilherme!
H r u today?
Tell me, do you like cars?
My student Leo have a blog. The blog's name is cHvEtErA. It's very nice.


Milene disse...

Hello! Guilhermefruet!!!!!!!!
Nice to meet you!!!
My favourite sports are swimming and voleyboll.
What is your favourite sports???



leo disse...

Hi guilherme!
Nice to meet you!!!
What you favourite color?

guilhermefruet disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
guilhermefruet disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
guilhermefruet disse...

I am aspire follow a carrer de veterinary

guilhermefruet disse...

May fabmily consists of4
persons,i am,may mother, may brother,may father.

Blog da 3ª Série do Ensino Médio disse...

Gui, may means (pode, deve) you must use my. Ok

guilhermefruet disse...


Traditional holidays and celebrations:

1 - Holidays like Christmas, New Year, Easter, September 7 (Brazil), Nov 15 (in Brazil), Mother's Day, Father's Day, Children's Day celebrations that are considered these days are made festivals and events that dates are marked.

2 - Christmas - Whatever the religion, Christmas is celebrated by almost all Americans. It is time to send Christmas cards, gifts for friends, assemble Christmas trees and decorate the house with many lights and decorations. On the evening of the day on December 24, children hang stockings on your fireplace with its requests for gifts and leave milk and cookies for Santa Claus (Santa Claus). On the 25th morning, families, still in their pajamas, gather in the room next to the Christmas tree to open their gifts. Soon after all go to church for Mass on Christmas and dinner the family gathers around the table again.
New Year - the most famous New Year's passage in the U.S. is in New York, at Time Square, where the people are for drinking, dancing, running and screaming. There are people of all ages and levels. During the countdown, a big apple goes down in the middle of the square and explodes exactly at midnight, throwing candies and chocolates for all sides.
Easter - Here, children play in the egg hunt on Sunday for Easter. Cooked eggs, decorated with paint, are hidden by parents in the backyard or indoors.
Independence - (July 4) The people on the streets if dress with details of the American flag, to wave flags, play softball and volleyball in the park, eat hot dogs and Hamburg are the largest and rain of fire at night.

3 - Making eat and drink with festivals, bringing together family and friends.

4 - In all the birthdays of singing the traditional congratulations on children's birthdays also can not miss the cake with candles of the legendary erase, the balloon surprise, in addition to brigadier known that the joy of kids.

Education including the early years, teenage years & college years:

1 – Yes.

2 - Are required to 8 years of elementary school.

3 - A typical school day fixed schedules have entry and exit, between those hours the time is divided into periods that typically have between 40 and 50 minutes, yet there is a break for food and entertainment.

4 - Consider - if mathematics, Portuguese, English, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, philosophy, literature, religious education and physical education (in time differential). The total is still 4h and 20 minutes (from 7:40 to 12:00).

5 - Come to school five days a week (from Monday to Friday - fair).

6 - The school is a place where the pursuit of knowledge is in school and cultura.Além it is also - if sport and leisure collaborating to our social and training in making better citizens.


Natural Disasters - A Worldwide Look at Natural Disasters.

1 - Natural disasters are those caused by imbalances and phenomena of nature and produced by factors of external origin that act independently of human action.

2 - The intense expansion of urbanization (which has been occurring in disorderly manner), deforestation, fires, the occurrence of intense rain episodes, occupation of areas of hillsides contribute to the increase in natural situations of risk.

3 - We can separate the dry and wet garbage so they can be reused, using less paper avoiding the defeat of many trees, we should save electricity and not wasting water. Go on foot, by bus, from a bike ride or for work avoiding or reducing the release of polluting gases into the atmosphere. Each must do its part to stop global warming.

Water - Our World's Water

1 - Water is the most characteristic constituent of the Earth and is the essential ingredient of life.

2 - Because of the sun to heat the water in the ocean seas, rivers and lakes passing slowly from the gaseous state, that is up and will evaporate into the atmosphere. The water vapor cools and condenses air ma themselves, that is, it turns into small drops of water, forming clouds. After the water returns again to the land surface in the form of precipitation - rain, snow or hail. One part falls directly into oceans, seas rivers and lakes, another draining the land surface and another infiltrates into the soil, forming sheets of water underground. The water absorbed by soil passes into the plants, which absorb by the roots. Animals get the water consuming plants or drinking in rivers, streams and fountains. By breathing and
sweating bodies, the water returns back to atmosphere. Thus, the cycle is repeated continuously, remaining more or less constant the amount of water on our planet.

3 - Briefly may - be said that water is so important because life would not exist without it.

4 - The supply problems are directly related to the growth of demand, to waste, the uncontrolled urbanization and pollution - which affects regions of springs.

5 - The water is ready for consumption after going through treatment processes in positions of sanitation in each city.

Global Warming - The Planet is Heating Up!

1 - Global warming is being caused by the increase of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly derived from burning fossil fuels in the atmosphere. The deforestation and burning of forests and jungles also collaborate with this process.

2 - The effects of global warming are being felt primarily by temperature, which every year is higher, it eventually triggering the melting of glaciers raising levels of the oceans.

3-We should use more public transport and using private cars only when necessary, to prevent the increase of greenhouse gas emissions. Avoiding deforestation and use energy wisely.

4 - Taking baths faster, do not leave the tap open while we are brushing their teeth, keep the refrigerator door open time as possible, avoiding unnecessary lights, avoid burning and where possible use public transportation.

Habitats - Habitats and the Plants and Animals that live within.

1 - To have all living beings can adapt to their needs.

2 - The human being interferes in the lives of animals negatively in the following ways, killing - when the hunt and fish, pollute the rivers killing all species existing in him and around him. In the plant damage is caused mainly by deforestation and burning.

3 - No. Why the humpback is an adaptation to the live camel in the desert, the hump serves as a reservoir of water, where he lived in a humid environment it
1 - To have all living beings can adapt to their needs.

2 - The human being interferes in the lives of animals negatively in the following ways, killing - when the hunt and fish, pollute the rivers killing all species existing in him and around him. In the plant damage is caused mainly by deforestation and burning.

3 - No. Why the humpback is an adaptation to the live camel in the desert, the hump serves as a reservoir of water, where he lived in a humid environment it would not be needed.